Friday 27 May 2016


" Run, Run, Run!!!" I can hear my mum screaming as the clapper goes off. I run as hard as I can to try to get in front but holly and holly are beating me. We run around the bottom field at the Ashley/Loburn domain and run around another little field just off of the big one. I'm to busy thinking about my breathing that I don't see holly and holly disappear! Then I get to another corner and the marshal tells me to turn right, I turn and see both Hollys running up a steepish hill just about up the top. When I get to the top I kept  running ( I made a bet with holly that if I didn't stop and walk for the whole track she would give me $5 ). Soon I was at the first corner of the top track. Then I looked up at the holly that was in front and she was way way way in front, I could tell that I was slowing down by t I kept on running . When I was at the second corner I looked up at how far the holly had gotten and was horrified to find that we had to run around the whole field not just to the end and back. At the third corner I was starting to get really heavy breathing and my legs weren't going as fast as they should be. It was like they were lagging really badly. So I said goodbye to holly's $5 and started to walk. Soon piper passed me so I started to jog but just before the forth corner I had to walk but started to run as the down hill part was getting closer and closer. In the time that I was walking Emma and Brooklyn had both passed me. Soon the down hill part was here and I was practically flying down. I caught up to Brooklyn who was in front of me but had to slow down as the adrenaline of going down hill and not being able to keep up with my feet had worn off. I was puffing really hard and I had a really bad stitch. I ran around the bottom field and in to the forest. I started to walk because I was getting my breath back but when I tried to run again I would just about trip over so I walked just about the whole way but jogged when Anna and Derrin caught up. When I got out of the forest I started to jog and I got quite a way way away from Anna and Derrin. Then I did a final lap of the bottom field and went to the finish line. The corner before the finish line I passed Miss Kennedy and she took a couple of photos and told me to keep running. Then I was running towards the finish line and finishing. I got 6th so I went to tri-schools at theMoffat's farm. 

New Zealanders At War

In team East we are a little behind and we are just finishing World War 1 presentations. We have been making these presentations for about three weeks now. When we started me and Emma were working by our selves (not together) but in the end we decided to combine our slides and make an even better one!
Here is the slides that me and Emma made. We have also attached a video to help explain the story more clearly. I hope you enjoy!!! :-)