Monday 8 August 2016


Yesterday I went to my hobby which is Cadets Corps. It is on every Monday. I got my uniform and beret. The top is a million sizes too big so that is why I look fat. 

At cadets we learn about a lot of stuff, yesterday we had lessons on oral presentations and the other basic cadets had a test of stuff they learnt over the year but because I'm new I didn't have to do it, so I had half a period free (I was called out before we went in to sort out my uniform). The week before we learnt how to march with a parade gun(wooden) and about our wellbeing. 

At the end of each Monday we have a talk where all the Sargents and Officers tell us what is coming up, like this weekend we have a shoot at burnham military camp and next Monday we are going to the roxx climbing centre. 

I think I will carry on next year because I want to get into the skills team.