Friday 16 September 2016


On Monday at Cadets, period 1, we went for a huge run, then we did push-ups and then we did crunch-ups. For the run we started at the big parade grounds and we went around the buildings, up the drive, down the road to the Wigram Air-force museum around the car park twice and back to the Cadet unit. Then when we told the Sargent our time and then we went to do push-ups and crunch-ups. I managed to do fourteen push-ups and eighty crunch-ups. Crunch-ups are sorta like sit-ups but you don't go all the way up. I couldn't breath properly afterwards because I had been using my neck to get me up. In the next period, me and some other newer people learnt the basics of drill (Parade stuff) That was fun. Next week I
am doing a speech for "oral presentations" with Mr Mair. I'm not looking forward to that! But apart from that I am looking forward to Cadets next week!!!

Friday 2 September 2016

Upcycling Speech

This is my speech presentation. I did it on upcycling. I chose this topic because I already knew about it and I have upcycled before.


This is a picture of the book I am reading. I would recommend it to people around 10+ years. It is about a girl in Pompeii and her dad is a baker. I will write more when I have finished.