Friday 11 March 2016

Cave stream

I got out of the mini van and headed towards where my friends were standing. While we waited for the rest of the group William pike and Mr Priddy took photos of us. When we were all ready we headed to the opening. When we got there every one was buzzing with excitement, we had to go in groups through the deep part.

 The water was quite warm but girls [and some boys] screamed in the first part but we got used to it. Here there were a couple of small waterfalls and loose or slippery rocks so we called back to the people behind to be careful the water started to feel warmer and warmer as we went further into the cave. 

At long last we reached a waterfall that was as high as my chest, two parents helped us up it then we had to wait for the rest of the kids. When we were all there waiting, not all patiently, William and Mr priddy took our photos. In one we turned off all of our head torches to see how dark it was.

 Soon we reached another waterfall that reached my waist, when I went over it I just about face planted!!! Because it was more of a wall than a waterfall. The water was deeper there and the water was cold on my tummy. We took a couple of photos but none of us knew where we were. After a couple of minutes Mr priddy told us that we had reached the end.

 I was one of the first people to go up the railings and I kept thinking that I was going to fall onto the people below me and crush them, but thankfully I made it out alive and so did my friends. 

  When every one was outside we had a little swimming time, in the river, I went under and it was nice and refreshing on the hot summer day. Then we set off to the mini vans and to get changed out of our soaking clothes.

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