Tuesday 1 March 2016

Hawdon Hut

Sitting against a steel pole getting border and border every minute as I wait for my friends to arrive and to start the amazing tramp that awaits. On Thursday 11th of February 2016 the year 8s from Loburn School went on an over night tramp to Hawdon Hut. I sat in the back of a mini van packed with my friends for roughly an hour and a half. Our van had a radio, so we were listning and singing to music the whole way. 

When we got to the Hawdon shelter we checked our packs and stuffed dry food into them. Then we set off on our wondrous six hour journey. after about five minutes of walking we came across our first river. We crossed in our food groups. I crossed with Holly, Emma and Haylley. The water was cold but nice on the hot day, the water came just above my kneecap and it soaked my leggings. We walked along the river bed for a while. Then we jumped a fence (not literary but we had to get over), went into the forest came out again walked more on the river bed crossed some more rivers went back into the forest and came back out. 

It was a very long journey and on the last biggish river it was so hot that we stopped for  a swim, we took turns diving in and it was freezing, Holly didn't want to go under so we started to splash her. After that there was only about an hour and a half to go. When we got to the hut we all dumped our packs on the deck and went to sit down inside. After that we unpacked our bedrolls and sleeping bags then we went to play out side. We went to the river and some people  went swimming. That night William Pike told us the story of how his leg got amputated. 

In the morning we packed our packs, had breakfast and headed off to the long walk ahead. it didn't take as long to walk back as it did to walk there because we took a different track. We walked in the open for ages and soon we could see the sun glinting off of distant car roofs. When we got to the mini vans vans most of us ran with our packs on the last ten meters or so. After a quick lunch we got ready for cave stream.


  1. Well done Jess it sounds fun can't wait till I go next year

  2. I love your Hawdon Hut blog Jess. Would you recommend it to anyone else?
