Thursday 8 December 2016

The Sleepwalker Chapter 3

Chapter 3
In the morning I wake up and almost have a panic attack. I forgot where I was for a moment. I stumble over the others to get to the door. I head towards the toilets and don’t see the blood until I almost slip on it. I look down and see a small puddle of it. Then I see a trail of drips.  Then I see a smear on the wall
I follow the drips and smears until it comes to a door. It’s the door to the bathroom. I hesitantly open the door, scared to see what’s inside. There is only a giant puddle of blood. I can’t see anyone inside. I search the stalls but don’t find anyone so I go back to the photography room. The trail of blood goes into the room. I go in and walk until the blood disappears. Until I’m standing over Maddy. Her face is deadly pale and her lips have got a blueish tint. Her blanket has dark red stain on it as well. I instantly know that it is her blood on the toilet floor and in the hall. I feel a bit sick and the food in my stomach starts to come up. I swallow it back down and cringe at the taste of the bile. I check her pulse even though I know that it's useless. She's gone.
I wake Tyler up and together we take Maddy’s body out of the room, He doesn’t ask questions but sees the blood on the floor of the hall. We put Maddy’s body in a room a couple of doors down from ours until we decide what to do with it, and go back to the others.
Penelope has woken up and is looking at the blood questionably, when she hears us she looks up.
“What is that?” She asks pointing to the stain,
“Ummm…” I look at Tyler for support in the conversation but he's  quickly found something to do.
“Where’s Maddy?” Penelope says. I think she's got a heap of questions ready to load on me about this so I say,
“I’ll explain later, when Justin wakes up.”
When he does wake up Penelope nags at me like a little kid would if his mum had said he could have chocolate soon. Really annoyingly. The boys turn their heads to look at me and Justin says
“Yeah, where is she”
How am I going to explain this?
So I start from when I woke up needing to go to the toilet. I tell them everything and when I get to the part where I wake up Tyler, he starts adding in some details that I forget.
Penelope is quiet throughout the story but her facial expressions vary from horrified to disgusted to sad. When me and Tyler finish, Justin asks how Maddy got back from the toilets.
“I don’t know.” I say, “I think she might have dragged herself against the wall”
“Mmm…” Justin’s face is set deep in thought, “yeah, maybe”
He leaves to look at the hallway walls and the conversation dies. I go to to the class next
door to look out the window. It's drizzling outside now and there are giant puddles on the path. I look at my watch. School must be out today because it's 9.30 and nobody is here.
I walk back to the photography room.
Someone has gone to get ‘breakfast’ from the cafeteria and they are all digging in.
I don’t feel like eating after what I saw this morning so I turn down Penelope's’ offer of cold casserole and go for a walk. I end up in the library. It looks so peaceful in here. I wander and look at the books and find a couple that I like, and go back out to the hallway I go through the book detectors. I haven’t checked the books out so the power must be out.
But there’s the emergency generator?  
Why isn't that on? I leave the library and go back to the photography room.
I walk in and find Penelope, Tyler and Justin lounging on the tables. There is stuff
I grab my bag and start stuffing my P.E. uniform into it.
“I think we should go into town now.” I say “You know, to go home to our families”
“Yeah,” Tyler adds “We should go, it's like 2 o’clock and all we’ve done is sit on our butts”
Justin and Penelope say ok and they get their stuff together. We go to the front doors and look out. It has stopped drizzling but it is still grey and gloomy. We walk out the front gates and onto the street.

It looks like zombieland.

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