Thursday 8 December 2016

The Sleepwalker Chapter 1

Chapter 1
It's freezing. I'm sitting in class and it's raining outside. Great. Mums not gonna pick me up and nobody can be stuffed to ask if I want a ride home.
   “Olivia! Are you listening?” Ugh. Mr Cooper. He’s my english teacher and he is sooooo grumpy!
“Yeah” I answer tiredly
He goes back to whatever rubbish he was explaining about before and the rest of the class goes back to almost falling asleep. After what seemed like forever the bell goes and everyone hurries out the door still waking up from their afternoon nap. I walk to the cafeteria and sit down at the usual table and wait for my friends to come, which will be ages because pretty much everyone has decided to buy lunch today. I don’t buy my lunch, there’s no point even asking for it ‘cause mum will just say no. So I wait for my friends while they wait for food. Then they finally come and we talk about stuff like, school, home, the weekend, and what we’ll be doing in the holidays. Suddenly the bell goes. What!? Lunch isn’t over for another 10 minutes! Then teachers start running in telling us to get under tables and hide while they close the curtains.
I get it now.
It’s a lock down.

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