Friday 9 December 2016

The Sleepwalker Chapter 4

Chapter 4
We walk to Tyler’s house because it's the closest. We see some people in their kitchens but when they see us they quickly close their curtains. We get to Tyler’s house. The windows are dark and and the curtains in the upstairs bedrooms are closed like the people inside are still asleep. Tyler goes up to the door and stops. He turns around.
“You guys wanna come in?” he asks
“Ok” I say.
We walk in and stand awkwardly in the front hall. He motions for us to come into the kitchen. We follow silently and I lean against the counter.
“I’m gonna go see if my parents are awake. The lounge is that way,” He points to a doorway, “and there are snacks in the cupboard”  he twists around to point to an open door that seems to lead to a huge pantry.
He walks through the door we just came from and disappears up the grand staircase. I walk to the pantry and open the door fully. Huge was an understatement. It's about as big as my bedroom at home! I walk around and spot some chocolate. I quickly sneak a piece and plop it in my mouth. It's delicious and I savour the taste on my tongue. It has been so long since I’ve had chocolate I’ve almost forgotten the taste. I carry on my search for food and grab an apple. I go back out to the kitchen, munching as I walk. I keep walking through the kitchen to the lounge.
Penelope has made herself at home and is sprawled out on one of the ginormous leather couches. Justin is looking a bit uncomfortable and is a bit rigid in the back but looks like he's enjoying the comfort of the recliner he is in. I walk over to the other recliner and sit in it just as there is a strangled cry from upstairs.
I sprint.
I reach the landing and race up to the first floor, following the sound of the cry. I head toward a door and open it. It's empty. I try the next one. Also empty. I go to the door across the hall.
Tyler is sitting on the floor. I look around.
His parents are lying in a blood bath. Their throats are slit from ear to ear and they have cavities in their chests. Their faces are set in silent screams and their eyes are open. Well they would be if their eyes weren't dangling on their cheeks.  


1 comment:

  1. This story in a good story. I found it beautiful.
    Keep doing good work Real Racing
