Friday 9 December 2016

The Sleepwalker Chapter 4

Chapter 4
We walk to Tyler’s house because it's the closest. We see some people in their kitchens but when they see us they quickly close their curtains. We get to Tyler’s house. The windows are dark and and the curtains in the upstairs bedrooms are closed like the people inside are still asleep. Tyler goes up to the door and stops. He turns around.
“You guys wanna come in?” he asks
“Ok” I say.
We walk in and stand awkwardly in the front hall. He motions for us to come into the kitchen. We follow silently and I lean against the counter.
“I’m gonna go see if my parents are awake. The lounge is that way,” He points to a doorway, “and there are snacks in the cupboard”  he twists around to point to an open door that seems to lead to a huge pantry.
He walks through the door we just came from and disappears up the grand staircase. I walk to the pantry and open the door fully. Huge was an understatement. It's about as big as my bedroom at home! I walk around and spot some chocolate. I quickly sneak a piece and plop it in my mouth. It's delicious and I savour the taste on my tongue. It has been so long since I’ve had chocolate I’ve almost forgotten the taste. I carry on my search for food and grab an apple. I go back out to the kitchen, munching as I walk. I keep walking through the kitchen to the lounge.
Penelope has made herself at home and is sprawled out on one of the ginormous leather couches. Justin is looking a bit uncomfortable and is a bit rigid in the back but looks like he's enjoying the comfort of the recliner he is in. I walk over to the other recliner and sit in it just as there is a strangled cry from upstairs.
I sprint.
I reach the landing and race up to the first floor, following the sound of the cry. I head toward a door and open it. It's empty. I try the next one. Also empty. I go to the door across the hall.
Tyler is sitting on the floor. I look around.
His parents are lying in a blood bath. Their throats are slit from ear to ear and they have cavities in their chests. Their faces are set in silent screams and their eyes are open. Well they would be if their eyes weren't dangling on their cheeks.  


Thursday 8 December 2016

The Sleepwalker Chapter 3

Chapter 3
In the morning I wake up and almost have a panic attack. I forgot where I was for a moment. I stumble over the others to get to the door. I head towards the toilets and don’t see the blood until I almost slip on it. I look down and see a small puddle of it. Then I see a trail of drips.  Then I see a smear on the wall
I follow the drips and smears until it comes to a door. It’s the door to the bathroom. I hesitantly open the door, scared to see what’s inside. There is only a giant puddle of blood. I can’t see anyone inside. I search the stalls but don’t find anyone so I go back to the photography room. The trail of blood goes into the room. I go in and walk until the blood disappears. Until I’m standing over Maddy. Her face is deadly pale and her lips have got a blueish tint. Her blanket has dark red stain on it as well. I instantly know that it is her blood on the toilet floor and in the hall. I feel a bit sick and the food in my stomach starts to come up. I swallow it back down and cringe at the taste of the bile. I check her pulse even though I know that it's useless. She's gone.
I wake Tyler up and together we take Maddy’s body out of the room, He doesn’t ask questions but sees the blood on the floor of the hall. We put Maddy’s body in a room a couple of doors down from ours until we decide what to do with it, and go back to the others.
Penelope has woken up and is looking at the blood questionably, when she hears us she looks up.
“What is that?” She asks pointing to the stain,
“Ummm…” I look at Tyler for support in the conversation but he's  quickly found something to do.
“Where’s Maddy?” Penelope says. I think she's got a heap of questions ready to load on me about this so I say,
“I’ll explain later, when Justin wakes up.”
When he does wake up Penelope nags at me like a little kid would if his mum had said he could have chocolate soon. Really annoyingly. The boys turn their heads to look at me and Justin says
“Yeah, where is she”
How am I going to explain this?
So I start from when I woke up needing to go to the toilet. I tell them everything and when I get to the part where I wake up Tyler, he starts adding in some details that I forget.
Penelope is quiet throughout the story but her facial expressions vary from horrified to disgusted to sad. When me and Tyler finish, Justin asks how Maddy got back from the toilets.
“I don’t know.” I say, “I think she might have dragged herself against the wall”
“Mmm…” Justin’s face is set deep in thought, “yeah, maybe”
He leaves to look at the hallway walls and the conversation dies. I go to to the class next
door to look out the window. It's drizzling outside now and there are giant puddles on the path. I look at my watch. School must be out today because it's 9.30 and nobody is here.
I walk back to the photography room.
Someone has gone to get ‘breakfast’ from the cafeteria and they are all digging in.
I don’t feel like eating after what I saw this morning so I turn down Penelope's’ offer of cold casserole and go for a walk. I end up in the library. It looks so peaceful in here. I wander and look at the books and find a couple that I like, and go back out to the hallway I go through the book detectors. I haven’t checked the books out so the power must be out.
But there’s the emergency generator?  
Why isn't that on? I leave the library and go back to the photography room.
I walk in and find Penelope, Tyler and Justin lounging on the tables. There is stuff
I grab my bag and start stuffing my P.E. uniform into it.
“I think we should go into town now.” I say “You know, to go home to our families”
“Yeah,” Tyler adds “We should go, it's like 2 o’clock and all we’ve done is sit on our butts”
Justin and Penelope say ok and they get their stuff together. We go to the front doors and look out. It has stopped drizzling but it is still grey and gloomy. We walk out the front gates and onto the street.

It looks like zombieland.

The Sleepwalker Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Me and my friends duck under the table. We’ve never had a lockdown before so this is serious stuff. Everyone is whispering from under the tables and the teachers are frantically trying to keep us quiet. That’s not hard for me, I’ve never been much of a talker, but it’s hard for other people. Like Bethany Whyte. She’s the school gossip queen. At the moment she’s bawling her eyes out. Not surprising, while she may the school gossip queen she is also quite soft on the inside.
Unlike english, the lockdown seemed to only take 5 minutes. Which is sad as I wouldn’t have minded not going to science. Finally the teachers come out from their hiding spots and tell us that it is safe to go back to our classrooms.
The rest of the day goes by really fast. I just want to go home to mum to see if she's alright. When the bell rings for the end of the day, everyone rushes for the doors, only to be stopped by security guards. Apparently we aren't allowed outside until our parents come and pick us up.
I'm at school with a couple of other kids. There's about 5 of us in total waiting for our parents to come come. The police have gone and so have the teachers. We were going to wait for the rain to stop but it doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon. We decide to go to the office and turn on the heaters. There is an old log burner in there as well, just in case the power goes out.         
When we get there, we dump our bags on the floor or the desk and sit in the waiting chairs. We sit there in silence for a while. Someone gets up and starts pacing, stopping every once in awhile to look out the window. It's around 5 P.M. and it's already getting dark.  Suddenly their breath hitches and I look up. The person is Penelope, she’s part of Bethany’s group.  I scan the rest of the room. I hadn’t really paid any attention to the rest of the kids. There is Tyler, he’s the quarterback of the football team and doesn’t do that well in the academic side of school, Justin is on the mathletes team and Maddy, I don’t actually know much about her. But she’s really shy. I look back at Penelope. Her face has gone white under her fake tan and she’s shaking her head. I go over to see what's wrong and peek out the window.
There is a man walking towards us. The car headlights are on and he is covered in blood. He has an axe, also covered in blood. He is around forty years old and has a bruise over his right eye. He is coming right towards the window and raising his axe. I stumble backwards and grab the back of Penelope’s shirt to pull her back too. Then l run. So does Penelope. I grab my bag off the desk and bolt to the door. I look back and see the others copying suit, but looking confused.
I open the door and run down the hall. I head towards the photo room because there are no windows. I can hear the rest of the group behind me. I reach the room and open the door. I go and sit on one of the tables while the rest of us come in demanding an explanation. Penelope has got some of her colour back and is sitting on the teacher’s chair with her head in her hands. Tyler comes over to me to ask what was out there because Penelope, it seems, has gone into shock and isn’t talking to anyone.
“There was this dude.” I say
“Yeah? Why is that scary?”
“Because,” I reply. “The dude was covered in blood, had  bruise on his eye and was holding an axe that was also covered in blood.”
He went over to the other side of the room to try to comfort Penelope, who was now sobbing.
We decided to stay the night so Maddy and I went to the sick bay to grab blankets out of the cupboard. We also got some food from the cafeteria for dinner. We were silent the whole time. When we got back, Penelope had tipped over and stacked some desks to make a changing room or something like that and had changed into her ‘night clothes’ which turned out to be her P.E. uniform.

We put the blankets and food on a desk and turned around. It seemed like the other two had made their own little bedrooms too. Later that night we ate leftovers from lunch that day. Then we went to sleep.

The Sleepwalker Chapter 1

Chapter 1
It's freezing. I'm sitting in class and it's raining outside. Great. Mums not gonna pick me up and nobody can be stuffed to ask if I want a ride home.
   “Olivia! Are you listening?” Ugh. Mr Cooper. He’s my english teacher and he is sooooo grumpy!
“Yeah” I answer tiredly
He goes back to whatever rubbish he was explaining about before and the rest of the class goes back to almost falling asleep. After what seemed like forever the bell goes and everyone hurries out the door still waking up from their afternoon nap. I walk to the cafeteria and sit down at the usual table and wait for my friends to come, which will be ages because pretty much everyone has decided to buy lunch today. I don’t buy my lunch, there’s no point even asking for it ‘cause mum will just say no. So I wait for my friends while they wait for food. Then they finally come and we talk about stuff like, school, home, the weekend, and what we’ll be doing in the holidays. Suddenly the bell goes. What!? Lunch isn’t over for another 10 minutes! Then teachers start running in telling us to get under tables and hide while they close the curtains.
I get it now.
It’s a lock down.

Friday 16 September 2016


On Monday at Cadets, period 1, we went for a huge run, then we did push-ups and then we did crunch-ups. For the run we started at the big parade grounds and we went around the buildings, up the drive, down the road to the Wigram Air-force museum around the car park twice and back to the Cadet unit. Then when we told the Sargent our time and then we went to do push-ups and crunch-ups. I managed to do fourteen push-ups and eighty crunch-ups. Crunch-ups are sorta like sit-ups but you don't go all the way up. I couldn't breath properly afterwards because I had been using my neck to get me up. In the next period, me and some other newer people learnt the basics of drill (Parade stuff) That was fun. Next week I
am doing a speech for "oral presentations" with Mr Mair. I'm not looking forward to that! But apart from that I am looking forward to Cadets next week!!!

Friday 2 September 2016

Upcycling Speech

This is my speech presentation. I did it on upcycling. I chose this topic because I already knew about it and I have upcycled before.


This is a picture of the book I am reading. I would recommend it to people around 10+ years. It is about a girl in Pompeii and her dad is a baker. I will write more when I have finished.

Monday 8 August 2016


Yesterday I went to my hobby which is Cadets Corps. It is on every Monday. I got my uniform and beret. The top is a million sizes too big so that is why I look fat. 

At cadets we learn about a lot of stuff, yesterday we had lessons on oral presentations and the other basic cadets had a test of stuff they learnt over the year but because I'm new I didn't have to do it, so I had half a period free (I was called out before we went in to sort out my uniform). The week before we learnt how to march with a parade gun(wooden) and about our wellbeing. 

At the end of each Monday we have a talk where all the Sargents and Officers tell us what is coming up, like this weekend we have a shoot at burnham military camp and next Monday we are going to the roxx climbing centre. 

I think I will carry on next year because I want to get into the skills team.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

My (and Mum's) horses

These are my (and my Mum's) horses. The little mini (called Minnie) is the family's but was bought for me, the second pic is Kelly she is my pony that I got two years ago for my Birthday and Christmas present. The bottem one is Annabelle she's Mum's and we got her three-four years ago with Minnie.
And then at the very bottem is Penny. She's my turkey. We've got way more because she had babies.

This is Minnie. My miniature pony.

This is Kelly. My Welsh pony.

This is Annabelle. Mum's Standardbred.

This is Penny. My turkey.

Sunday 19 June 2016

My dogs!

These are my dogs. Happy is the black one and Logan is the blonde/ golden one.

Wednesday 1 June 2016


On Friday afternoons at Loburn school the year 1-8's are having a clubs day. We have done this because as we are not training for x-country anymore we have a big chunk of our day that we would not have anything to do. The teachers and some parents are running the clubs and are doing a very good job so far. Thank you parents for coming in and teaching us some new skills when you could be sitting in a comfy seat with a cup of coffee and reading a book, especially in winter!

I have chosen band/choir as my club because I like to play the guitar and sing along to songs on the radio. In the band part of the group we have smaller groups as we have multiple drummers, pianists and guitarists! In my small band there is Me, Haylley, Brooklyn, Benj and Rys. (I think!!!) and the song that we are doing is "One Call Away" by Charlie Puth.

I enjoyed being able to move freely and just relax. I also found it interesting that there were so many people that weren't doing anything and watching other people or people teaching other people and some of the boys were playing with the microphones and doing some terrible singing!!! Our teacher that is in charge is Mrs Steele. She is also doing Choir, so the first 15-30 minutes she will be with the Choir and help us practice songs and then the kids that are in Choir and band will go to the Mt Thomas room to practice their songs and Mrs Steele will help us with our songs.

My goal is to learn and play three different songs and be able to change between chords fluently and quickly!

Friday 27 May 2016


" Run, Run, Run!!!" I can hear my mum screaming as the clapper goes off. I run as hard as I can to try to get in front but holly and holly are beating me. We run around the bottom field at the Ashley/Loburn domain and run around another little field just off of the big one. I'm to busy thinking about my breathing that I don't see holly and holly disappear! Then I get to another corner and the marshal tells me to turn right, I turn and see both Hollys running up a steepish hill just about up the top. When I get to the top I kept  running ( I made a bet with holly that if I didn't stop and walk for the whole track she would give me $5 ). Soon I was at the first corner of the top track. Then I looked up at the holly that was in front and she was way way way in front, I could tell that I was slowing down by t I kept on running . When I was at the second corner I looked up at how far the holly had gotten and was horrified to find that we had to run around the whole field not just to the end and back. At the third corner I was starting to get really heavy breathing and my legs weren't going as fast as they should be. It was like they were lagging really badly. So I said goodbye to holly's $5 and started to walk. Soon piper passed me so I started to jog but just before the forth corner I had to walk but started to run as the down hill part was getting closer and closer. In the time that I was walking Emma and Brooklyn had both passed me. Soon the down hill part was here and I was practically flying down. I caught up to Brooklyn who was in front of me but had to slow down as the adrenaline of going down hill and not being able to keep up with my feet had worn off. I was puffing really hard and I had a really bad stitch. I ran around the bottom field and in to the forest. I started to walk because I was getting my breath back but when I tried to run again I would just about trip over so I walked just about the whole way but jogged when Anna and Derrin caught up. When I got out of the forest I started to jog and I got quite a way way away from Anna and Derrin. Then I did a final lap of the bottom field and went to the finish line. The corner before the finish line I passed Miss Kennedy and she took a couple of photos and told me to keep running. Then I was running towards the finish line and finishing. I got 6th so I went to tri-schools at theMoffat's farm. 

New Zealanders At War

In team East we are a little behind and we are just finishing World War 1 presentations. We have been making these presentations for about three weeks now. When we started me and Emma were working by our selves (not together) but in the end we decided to combine our slides and make an even better one!
Here is the slides that me and Emma made. We have also attached a video to help explain the story more clearly. I hope you enjoy!!! :-)